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They found that GM free wasn't always gm free. In the case of soybean products it was almost half.
             "A laboratory test conducted for The Wall Street Journal showed that about 40% of the soybean DNA detected in the sample came from genetically modified plants."".
             Let's clarify What Non_GMO means.
             -The non-GMO label -- the initials stand for "genetically modified organisms".
             The demand for non-GM food has grown considerably if the past few years. The labeling system is meant to offer consumer a choice of what they put into their bodies.
             " foods produced without synthetic chemicals -- a $7.8 billion market that is increasing at eight times the rate of the packaged food business as a whole."".
             The choice that was supposed to be left up to the consumer has been negated. The labels are useless and might be considered false advertising. The American public has asked for choice. 58% oppose GM ingredients in their food. .
             "a national telephone poll funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts found that 75% of respondents wanted to know about the presence of genetically modified ingredients in food, and 58% opposed such ingredients. For a growing number of Americans, the non-GMO label is the basis for choosing one brand of energy bar or tortilla chip over another. "It's 90% of my decision whether I'm going to buy" a particular product, says Debra Daniels-Zeller, a 48-year-old vegetarian-cooking teacher and writer in Edmonds, Wash."".
             The level of contamination is high roughly 50%. The GM free label is a misleading at best. .
             "Of the 20 products tested, 11 contained evidence of genetic material used to modify plants and another five contained more-substantial amounts."".
             The FDA prohibits misleading labeling. .
             "the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act prohibits placing misleading labels on food products. If even a tiny amount of bioengineer material is present in a product bearing a non-GMO label, the manufacturer would be violating the law, says Joseph A.

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