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Levitt of the FDA. Any company that did this "would have to change its label," says Mr. Levitt, director of the agency's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition."".
             Genetically modified plants can cross-pollinate with other plants. There are even health risks associated with this natural act of plant reproduction. One instance of this is Star link. Star link was a crop that was never approved for human consumption because of allergic reaction to the product.
             "The problem, regulators and growers say, is that some genetically modified crops -- which have been designed to resist disease, pests and chemicals -- can cross-pollinate freely with regular crops, passing along their altered traits to the next generation . Environmental Protection Agency determined from routine tests that StarLink might cause allergic reactions in some people. As a result, the government didn't approve Star link for human consumption and it was planted purely as a feed for livestock on just 0.4% of U.S. corn acres but recently, StarLink began turning up in 10% of corn at some of the nation's big grain processors. Over the past six months, more than 300 food products have been recalled after testing positive for StarLink, including certain batches of Kraft taco shells, Kroger corn tortillas and a Kellogg unit's meatless corn dog. Dozens of people have reported to health authorities that they believe they had allergic reactions to eating products made from StarLink. Aventis SA, the French pharmaceuticals concern that invented StarLink, submitted data to the government to show the toxin is present in food in such tiny amounts that it can't trigger an allergic reaction in humans."".
             It is extremely difficult may impossible with the current technology; to keep GM crops separate from normal crops. .
             "Current agricultural storage, handling and shipping practices make it all but impossible to keep bioengineer soy from contaminating non genetically engineered soy.

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