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A compound called isoflavones was found to be a risk factor for abnormal brain development. .
             "'During pregnancy in humans, isoflavones per se could be a risk factor for abnormal brain and reproductive tract development.' ".
             This article would was of concern to parents. What was also interesting about his article was it comparison of the present state of genetically modified products as an uncontrolled experiment. .
             "This will frighten mothers who increasingly use Soya milk for babies. Doerge said: 'They are exposing their children to chemicals which we know have adverse effects in animals. It's like doing a large uncontrolled and unmonitored experiment on infants.'-.
             Supports of Soya and GMO's counter that; Soya has been used around the world for years with no known side effects. .
             "'Millions of people around the world have been eating Soya for years and have shown no signs of abnormalities or disorders.'- .
             Callahan, P. & Kilman, S. (2001, April 5). Seeds of doubt: Some ingredients are genetically modified, despite labels' claim - lab test finds altered DNA in Soy O's, Veggie Bacon, Belying Marketing Pitch - no proven dangers to health. The Wall Street Journal, p. A1. Retrieved August 16, 2003, from http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=z39.88-2003&res_id=xri:pqd&rft_val_fmt=ori:fmt:kev:mtx:journal&genre=article&rft_id=xri:pqd:did=000000070527496.
             The issue of whether or not we can ensure that GMO-S don't cross contaminate other plants is a hotly contested debate. The labeling system in the United stated of America is supposed to ensure that foods that have the label "non-GMO" was certified GM free. The reality is that foods/products that carry this label aren't free of GMO. The Yves Veggie Cuisine Company is one company that has such a label ling system that promises GM free foods.
             "A year ago, Yves Veggie Cuisine placed a new label on its products: "non-GMO."-.
             An investigation was conducted by the wall Street Journal that randomly tested this claim on the labels.

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