It is commonly held Jewish belief that all Jews who came out of Egyptian Slavery are descendents of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham.
Talmud: Essentially the minuets of a 1200 year long symposium on every aspect of Jewish life. Compiled in two editions the Yerushalmi, (Jerusalem), and the Bavli (Babylonian). In addition the Talmud contains the legal decision of the Rabbinical Court, commentaries on the Gammara, the Midrash and the Akiba commentaries. The Talmud is continually being referenced and updated and is studied daily in most Synagogues. The Talmud has its roots in the Babylonian exile of 678 BCE and was compiled into its present form at approximately 700 CE. .
Corvée: French meaning forced or statute labor; villain labor, hard labor.
Passover Haggadah: Passover is the holiday that Jews celebrate to remember the night when G-d passed over the land of Egypt and put to death the firstborn's of the Egyptians; In Exodus 11:1, ff., because of Pharaoh's intractability in releasing the Jews from slavery. The Haggadah is a special prayer book used at Passover as a part of the ritual meal to tell the story and remember the events of Passover. Jews believe that at this time each year we are all freed from slavery again as we all were in that time.
Midrash: A commentary on the TANAKAH that is approximately 1400 years old and continually republished by several Jewish publishing houses throughout the world.
En situ: From the Lain for "in place-. .
Sitz im labin: German for "situation of life."".
Casa dos Escravos: lit. a tax house.
Chapter 1.
The Biblical Record:.
The earliest documentation that we have, the TANAKH, tells the following story about the enslavement of Israel, (The Jewish People).
A new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph. And he said to his people, Look, the Israelite people are much too numerous for us. Let us deal shrewdly with them, so that they may not increase; otherwise in the event of war they may join our enemies in fighting against us and rise from the ground.