So they set taskmasters over them to oppress them with forced labor; and they [the Jews] built garrison cities for Pharaoh: Pithom and Raamses. But the more they were oppressed, the more they increased and spread out, so that the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites. .
It is widely held that this "New King- was Pharaoh Raamses I. .
At this point this story begs the question; what happened here? What changed in the relationship between the rulers of Egypt and the Israelite people? Again we turn to the text of the Book of Exodus; "A new king arose who did not know Joseph."" Joseph had established a relationship with Pharaoh Setti that was based on Joseph's skill in forth telling the future as revealed in Pharaoh's dreams and his excellent management skills in preventing starvation during a predicted 7 year long drought/famine. It was during this pre-famine time that Joseph rose from slave to Prime Minister of Egypt. As the drought/famine overtook Egypt so to did it overtake the land of Canaan and the Middle East. .
A result of this was that Jacob, Joseph's father and a shepherd/livestock breeder by profession, sent his sons to Egypt, where because of his son Joseph's wise management there was an abundance of grain and other food stuffs stored. That Joseph was responsible for the abundance in Egypt was unknown to his family. .
THE JOSEPH STORY, (in brief).
Joseph had been sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and spent almost 20 years in Egypt. During this time he rose from slave to Prim Minister because of his G-d given gift of forth telling and his wise management skills in preparing for a 7 year long drought/famine. .
Although his brothers do not recognize him, Joseph recognizes his brothers and is overjoyed to see them all past deeds forgiven. Without revealing himself to them he provides for their needs, a singular exception to the state policy of not selling grain, etc., to non-Egyptians and, in an act of deception that provided an opportunity to reunite his family he commands them to return to their father and bring him, and their youngest brother back.