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Overview of Business Organizations


The decisions of direct stakeholders directly affect the organization. Customers, sellers, owners and managers are part of direct stakeholders.
             The managers are people who boost and motivate the organization in achieving their goals. The main aim of a manager is to control the work in organization and at the same time motivating the employees for doing better job. A manager needs to know how to negotiate while dealing with suppliers, employees and competitors. They need to be good leader in order to guide their employees. Being a good leader he can easily convince his fellow members. A manager needs to be a good communicator so he can act as a medium between customer and employees or between employees and managers of organization.
             An employee can be considered the backbone of an organization. The output of an organization completely depends on the hard work of the employees. They are the by-products of an organization. They get paid for their work. If the performance of the employee is high then the salary is incremented accordingly. The complete annual turnover of an organization depends on the work of employees. They are encouraged through promotions and bonus so they can work more efficiently. They work under mangers and it completely depend on their work that how they will maintain a position of their organization in the competitive market. They are the stakeholders of the market. Indirect stakeholders are the ones who do not affect the organization directly. They stay connected with the company but influence them indirectly. Every decision taken by them affects the company at high level. The main examples that come under indirect stakeholders are government, competitors, society etc. .
             It is the head or supreme for setting rules and regulations for organization. The organizations and companies have to follow the criteria's that are set by the government. If the organizations work according to the government they can get benefit through government.

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