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Overview of Business Organizations


Sole traders provide finance through personal savings, bank loans and trade credits while companies buy their shares. The private companies provide security to their shareholders but restrict the liabilities of the shareholders. The government usually not allowed interfering in the work of private company.
             Government Organizations.
             The government organizations are the most powerful of all organizations. They have a strong structure and influence the public very easily. The government organizations are free to work on any field like education, sports , culture and media. They even work for the welfare of public through some non-profitable organizations for charity purpose. Basically every government organization selects a supreme head for every individual field. For egg - if there is an sports government organization then it will be the responsibility of their head to lead his team for the betterment of sports field. There are many government organizations in UK. For egg- under the ministerial departments comes the department of education . Their main aim is the betterment and improvement in the field of education. The next example is of non-ministerial departments under which comes the forestry department that is responsible for saving the forest life and to save environment from degradation.
             1.2 Meeting Stakeholders Objectives.
             There are people in market who are responsible for influencing the business of organization directly or indirectly. These people are called as stakeholders. There are different stakeholders in different organizations so their aims, goals and motives are also different. The stakeholders can be a supplier, customer, owner or even an organization. The organization has to fulfil the requirements of stakeholders in order to maintain their reputation in the market.
             The Stakeholders are of Two Types:.
             1. Direct stakeholders .
             2. Indirect stakeholders.
             Direct stakeholders are called direct as they are linked with the organization directly or we can say that are important part of organizations.

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