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Type In Schools

             Running head: IMPROVING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT.
             Introversion and Extroversion Related to Academic Performance .
             In a Constructivist Setting: Aesthetic, Reader, Response.
             Introversion and Extroversion 2.
             Introversion and Extroversion Related to Academic Performance .
             In a Constructivist Setting: Aesthetic, Reader, Response .
             Chapter 1.
             Researchers (Bayne, 1995; Kalil & Lowry, 1989; Keirsey & Bates, 1984; Goleman, 1995; Myers, 1998; Jung in Campbell, 1976) have studied the effects which psychological orientation have on learning strategies and academic achievement. Two of the problems found were: .
             1) Extroverted students tend to utilize characteristics that do not help academic achievement. 2) Introverted students tend not to use characteristics that help social relations. .
             Hypothesis .
             By using insight and knowledge about individual psychological orientations, introverted students will benefit from extroverted qualities; and extroverted students will benefit from introverted qualities. .
             Statement of the Problem .
             Lack of information concerning psychological orientation and corresponding reader responses in a Literature Arts setting is hindering the academic potential of students. Specifically, more research needs to be conducted concerning the effects of introversion-extroversion, to academic performance and aesthetic response in a Constructivist setting.
             Because of their student centered approaches- aesthetic/ reader response, constructivism and diagnostic teaching- will be utilized to maximize the effects of psychological orientation.

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