The focus of the boot camp is to prepare juvenile offenders to be re-integrated into their communities with new sets of skills and values (Dale, 91). .
Reshaping attitudes, behaviors, and the character of youthful offenders in a yearlong boot camp has proven to be successful (Dale, 91). In February of 2000 statistics from the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice shows that the program has one of the lowest recidivism rates in Florida corrections (Dale, 91). The recommitment rate was 11.1 percent versus 35.3 percent compared to shorter programs (Dale, 91). .
The process for admission begins in Juvenile Court when the judge sentences a juvenile felon to a secure facility (Dale, 93). The juvenile is then put on a list if he or she is qualified for the program. Once in the program the offender will begin the first of three phases during the yearlong program. Each phases last four months and focuses on different areas of rehabilitation.
Phase one begins four months of shock incarceration. During this period, an extensive training program begins based upon a thorough needs assessment profile (Dale, 94). The profile includes evaluations by mental health counselors, including a review of educational records, specific needs, legal obligations, family relationships, physical health, and religious affiliation (Dale, 94). At the same time, the drill instructors begin the process of tearing down and reframing negative attitudes to build self-esteem, confidence, accountability, and responsibility (Dale, 94). They work with each juvenile to formulate 15 goals they will need to accomplish in order to advance to phase two. Goals are based upon the needs assessment and are personalized for each juvenile. As a juvenile achieves the goals set forth in phase one, he is rewarded with a more relaxed environment and personal freedom (Dale, 94).
Phase two is called the Academy. Juveniles" graduation into the Academy move from a secure individual environment to a group barracks with 30 peers.