"The United States stands as a symbol of militaristic and racist forces supporting governments and movements that suppress them."" (NMS 42).
The Middle East has long been under rule. In 1925, there were 5 different nations with a partial interest in the Middle East. By 1965, there were 18 different foreign rulers trying to control the Middle East (Hurewitz 46). At the end of World War I, when the Ottoman Empire had fallen, the European powers carved up the fallen empire and set up rule. Britain boasted rule over the land, and the French contained marginal presence (Hurewitz 46). Their involvement was welcomed, because they brought modernization to the land. However, things began to collapse. Right after World War II, the European powers had crumbled. The British rule had been "exhausted and overextended- (Hurewitz, pg 47). Iran and Afghanistan managed to escape the rule, and set up their countries. Others soon followed. There are now these independent sovereignties, trying to grow and become independent nations. There are many different ethnic groups in the Middle East, and this alone causes a problem for conflict. .
There is another ingredient that is tossed into the pot to create a brew for conflict. After World War II, the Jews who managed to escape the Holocaust fled to Palestine, on a basis of Zionism, a movement to set up a Jewish state with the capital in Jerusalem (CQ 23). They encouraged setting up a Jewish state, called Israel. In 1947, the state of Israel was created (CQ 12). Minutes after the state of Israel was announced, America recognized Israel and said they would support them. The U.S felt it was a moral obligation to support Israel, but more importantly it was the first democracy in the Middle East (MEPC). At the claimed backing of Israel, The United States set up their first goal in their Foreign Policy: "To ensure the security of Israel."" (MEPC). In this policy, there is no connection to what extent do the U.