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Ku Klux Klan

             In 1917, when America entered World War I, the Klan found a purpose. The nation needed to be defended against illegal aliens, immoral women, slackers, and strike leaders or else victory of our nation would be endangered. By doing this, they recruited thousands of new members. These new members viewed the KKK as an organization doing good deeds for the country. These few thousands of members were not enough for Simmons. He recruited Edward Young Clarke and Mrs. Elizabeth Tyler to publicize the Klan. They together were the Southern Publicity Association. They did not even have to do very much. The minute anyone said the words Ku Klux, editors from all over the nation wanted to get in on it. After a while, the Klan was doing better than Simmons had ever dreamed, but to these new members, white supremacy and fraternal secrecy was not enough. "From the lip-service to the traditional racial values of the white South, the Klan shifted into a pyrotechnically aggressive defense of one-hundred-percent Americanism.""(32).
             Even Simmons was doing this for show. When introduced to a group of Georgia Klansmen, he silently took a Colt automatic from his pocket and put it on the table in front of him. He then got out a revolver and put it on the table too. Then he unbuckled his cartridge belt and draped it between the two weapons. Next he drew out a bowie knife and stabbed it into the center of all the things he had placed on the table, still without making a sound. Then he said "Now let the Niggers, Catholics, Jews, and all others who disdain my imperial wizardry, come on!- The Klan organizer was told to find out the concerns of the community and offer the Klan as the solution. The words Negro, Jew, Oriental, Roman Catholic, and alien were associated with drugs, bootlegging, night clubs, violation of the Sabbath, sex, and infidelity because of this. When everyone heard that the Klan was going to clean up the town, everyone wanted to join.

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