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Ku Klux Klan

Living on the farm set off a love of heritage and place, a common southern value. A part of this was the KKK. His father was a member of the original movement and Simmons was always fascinated by the stories he was told as a little boy. He was once quoted to have a vision on the Klansmen "On horseback in their white robes [as] they rode across the wall in front of me. As the picture faded out I got down on my knees and swore that I would found a fraternal organization that would be a memorial to the Ku Klux Klan.""(28).
             When he was in a car accident and bedridden for three months, he worked out all the details of founding a new Ku Klux Klan. He decided that the premiere of The Birth of a Nation (a controversial, racist movie still used today to recruit members into the Klan) was the right time to put this well devised plan into action. He gathered about forty men from various groups, including two men from the original Klan and the speaker of the Georgia legislature. They all agreed to found the order and Simmons picked the night before Thanksgiving for the formal ceremonies. This awakening of the Klan was performed on Stone Mountain, a granite slab sixteen miles outside of Atlanta. Simmons had set up a cross and lit it on fire to signify the rebirth of the Klan.
             The next week, Simmon's announcement of "The World's Greatest Secret, Social, Patriotic, Fraternal, Beneficiary Order- came out in all the papers next to the advertisement for The Birth of a Nation. Within a short time, Simmons had about ninety followers who had bought memberships from him. This organization drew members of the middle and high class to join. This Klan was not a night-riding, violent organization as was the previous era of the Klan, but a fraternal organization with class. It stressed comprehensive Americanism and white supremacy. Instead of saying it was anti-Jew and Anti-Catholic, they simply claimed that they were a strictly Protestant order.

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