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Just War Theory

So they proposed conditions under which a Christian could respond to injurious action while preserving Christian values. So for them the just war conditions only apply to aggressive wars. The three conditions of St. Thomas are retained by them in their theory. But they added two more: the war must be fought as a last resort and in a proper manner (without killing the innocent)10. The idea of war being fought in a proper manner means that not all is fair to do in war. Three main areas of discussion here are violent acts done against things connected with religion, against people and against property. Sacred places such as churches are not to be harmed unless there is a real military necessity. A church could be used for military purposes and thus becomes a target of attack. Also it may happen that a church is next to some military target and unintentionally is harmed by attacking it. Apart from these circumstances they cannot be attacked. People during war can be divided into various categories. Combatants are "all those who are engaged in the actual promotion of war." Direct combatants are the fighters themselves. Indirect combatants are the unarmed helpers of the soldiers in military ways such as transporters of supplies, weapons producers, etc. Noncombatants are those people who are members of the enemy nation that are chaplains, medical personnel and civilians. Also there are neutral people who are not part of either warring party and are not involved in the hostilities. The killing or wounding of enemy combatants falls under the natural law idea of self-defense. The indirect killing of non-combatants or neutrals is permissible according to the principle of double effect. But such killing must be unintentional and unavoidable. Direct killing of such people is murder, that is, when it is intentional and avoidable. The military property of one's enemy can be confiscated or destroyed just as one can do so against an unjust aggressor.

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