HIV infection is mainly transmitted by: Unprotected penetrative sexual intercourse where the exchange of bodily fluids takes place, Through the accidental or deliberate shared use of HIV-contaminated needles or skin cutting instruments (in and out of health care settings), From infected mothers to unborn infants, Through transfusion have infected blood or blood products,There is no evidence that the virus is transmitted by any other route or through activities such as coughing, sneezing or spitting or by sharing cooking, eating or drinking utensils or other articles in general use or through the sharing of toilet facilities
Normal social and employment contact with an infected person is safe for both employees and members of the public, as HIV is not spread through this kind of contact. 4. TREATMENT OF AN HIV/AIDS PATIENTS Treatment and care for HIV/AIDS consists of a number of different elements apart from antiretroviral drugs. These include voluntary counselling, protection from stigma and discrimination, prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections. The organization must respects the individual's right to confidentiality. Potential staffs and employees should not be refused employment or entry to the organisation on the grounds that they test positive for HIV. The organisation does not therefore; introduce compulsory screening procedures to test for HIV (either prior to employment or during employment).The organization endorses informed consent for individual testing, accompanied by confidential and appropriate counselling. According to need, the organization provides an appropriate service if deemed necessary. Training, Education, and InformationThe Human Resources Department and the Medical Officer in any has to provide an appropriate training and information at intervals or on request. This is intended to overcome unfounded fears and prejudices, to promote good health and safety practices, to increase awareness of the necessary personal precautions and to promote awareness of the policy.