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Schindlers List V, Life Is Beautfiul

I understand that only intellectually, well-written reviews are documented, however, it is an impossible task to retrieve every single person's opinion on the film, and therefore we have to take sample opinions, and let them represent a group of people's beliefs. It is important to save journals and newspapers because the opinion of any one person can influence a whole country, just as Hitler did in World War II. .
             History is all about a collection of different people's memories, and the post-structuralism idea of "where does history begin, and memories end,"" is a difficult question that has been answered differently by scholars around the world. Berel Lang suggests that history occurs before memory because "something has first to happen in order to be remembered, even if we recognize the happening only after memory has been at work and even if the remembering, when that happens, may not get it quite right- (1999). People's memories are what we have to rely on to document the truth, which is how history is created. Realistic films on historical issues are a creation of somebody's memory, however that is our reality, and that becomes our historical truth. Therefore, it is important that films like Schindler's List and Life is Beautiful are taken seriously, because they are our historical truth that communicate and educate people around the world to help prevent this historical horror !.
             from repeating itself.
             Steven Spielberg's 1993 Schindler's List was adapted from Thomas Keneally's novel Schindler's Ark, and made an unexpected gross of 317.1 million dollars worldwide. It also unexpectedly won Best Picture in 1993 at the Oscar Awards, and best picture in 1994 at the British Academy Awards. Along with best picture awards, it received an academy for best score, best-adapted screenplay, best cinematographer, best director, and best editing (http://allmovie.com/cg/avg.dll), 1994).

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