According to Hage, J. complexity is the "the.
specialization in an organization. measured by the number.
of occupational specialties and the length of training.
required by each. The greater the number of occupations and.
the longer the period of training required the more complex.
the organization". Price (1968), states: "complexity may be.
defined as the degree of knowledge required to produce the.
output of a system. The degree of complexity of an.
organization can be measured by the degree of education of.
its members. The higher the education the higher the.
complexity". .
The length of a Marines training for his or her job is.
determined by the Marines MOS (military occupational.
specialty). There are eighteen MOS fields personal.
administration, intelligence, infantry, logistics, field.
artillery, engineer, tank assault amphibian, communications,.
signal intelligence, supply, auditing finance and.
accounting, motor transport, data systems, public affairs,.
legal services, military police, aviation ground and pilot.
naval flight officer. In each of the fields listed above.
there are between ten and fifteen job specialties. That.
means that their are roughly between two hundred and two.
hundred seventy jobs in the U.S. Marine Corps . .
All Marines that enlist have to go to thirteen weeks of.
basic training and another fourteen days of basic combat.
training. All marine officers have to go to a year of basic.
schooling, after obtaining a Bachelor degree, before their.
MOS school. If looking at complexity as defined by Hage.
(1965), J or by Price (1968). the U.S. Marine Corps is a.
very complex organization. .
The U.S. Marine Corps is geographically dispersed.
throughout the world. Their are Marine Corps bases located.
across the United States in Arizona, California, Hawaii,.
North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. Their are two.
marine Corps bases located in Japan, one in the District of.
Columbia, Marines are stationed at Army, Airforce, Navy and.