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Organizational Behavior

             Coast Guard bases, embassies and academies across the World.
             as well as the locations listed above. Since the U.S.
             MARINE CORPS is "America's 911 force" ready to be deployed.
             anywhere in the world in a moments notice, at any given time.
             Marines could be scattered throughout the world.
             Formalization is the use of rules in an organization. .
             The U.S. Marine Corps is very formal. The higher you go in.
             rank however the more authority you have over the marines.
             that work for you to make them act more or less formal, but.
             you must do certain universal things that will never change.
             at any location. Certain rules are made by Headquarters.
             Marine Corps that are universal to all locations. All rules.
             are recorded in the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice). .
             These rules usually are general and leave the minor.
             decisions up to the senior marines in each section. Most.
             sections or bases make up an SOP (Standard Operating.
             Procedure) outlining exactly step by step how to do your job.
             or other related tasks. The SOP is followed verbatim in.
             most cases indicating a high degree of formalization. For.
             example, uniforms have a certain way that they will be worn,.
             the pockets will be buttoned with nothing inside them if not.
             in a field type environment, the uniform will be wrinkle.
             free and have military creases. Marines are also required.
             to present themselves in a certain kind of clothing when not.
             at work. All marines will wear a belt with pants that have.
             belt loops. These rules are examples of rules that are.
             universal at any Marine Corps installation thus the U.S.
             MARINE CORPS has a high level of formalization present.
             Centralization is the distribution of power within.
             organizations. Formalization and centralization are related.
             to one another in some ways. In the U.S. Marine Corps their.
             is generally a high degree of centralization. Each U.S.
             Marine Corps base has its own chain of command that has been.
             given the authority to function on its own. Headquarters.

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