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Good Nutrition

In 1997, the United States spent $100 billion consuming fast food (Schlosser, web). According to an article in Rolling Stone Magazine, "Americans now spend more money on fast food than they do on higher education, personal computers, software, or new cars. They spend more on fast food than movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music combined (Schlosser, web)."" In fact, 96% of American children most easily identified Santa Claus first and Ronald McDonald second. In this fast-paced world, not only does fast food take the place of healthy meals, but sometimes meals like breakfast are not eaten at all (Schlosser, web). For whatever reason people skip breakfast, we should consider why breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. A study of 504 young adults in Bogalusa, LA yielded!.
             results of the prevalence of skipping breakfast and the consequences. Thirty-seven percent of the subjects did not eat breakfast, making them two to five times more likely to have a nutrient deficient diet. The adolescents who skipped breakfast had less energy, protein, fat, vitamin, and mineral intakes compared to those who ate in the morning. Also, of those who did not eat breakfast, 66% ate a snack before lunch, compared to 49% of breakfast eaters who snacked before lunch (New Orleans, 5A). Influences on Eating Habits Research from 141 students in the seventh and tenth grades in St. Paul, Minnesota, showed interesting results when teens were asked to explain their eating habits. The most frequently discussed factors influencing what the subjects ate included: hunger, taste and appearance of food choices, and picking foods by their preparation time. When asked why they were not eating a balanced diet, some students expressed their lack of concern for future health problems.!.
             Another common explanation was that junk foods taste better than healthy foods. Still others said that fruits and vegetables are not convenient because many have to be peeled or cooked and were not available in places like fast food restaurants, school vending machines, and at home.

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