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Good Nutrition

All adolescents need more iron; girls experience the onset of menstruation and boys have an increase in lean mass (Trends, web). Caloric needs vary for each child depending on amount of growth, physical activities, and level of maturation (Backgrouder, web). Eating Patterns of the average teen diet consists of large amounts of fast food, snacks high in fat, few vegetable and fruits, and even skipping meals (Casey, 931). A recent study at Louisiana State University published in the News-Star stated, "potato chips and French fries make up more than one-quarter of the vegetable servings eaten by children, and nearly one-third of the veggies eaten by teenagers (New Orleans, 5A)."" The US Department of Agriculture's Healthy Eating Index shows that today's adolescent diet "needs improvement- and that the overall HEI score declines as a child matures to an adult. The US Department of Agriculture also reports the increase in liquid calories consumed because soft drinks are replacing milk in many diets (Evers, 20). Another important factor is the rising number of teen vegetarians who may not get enough of the important vitamins and minerals needed during this growth phase. Calcium, protein, and iron are often lacking from a vegetarian diet and may not be added through intake of dietary supplements (Trends, web). Fast food and eating out contributes greatly to the decline in nutritious content of the average teen diet. Also, the proper number of meals a day should be maintained by all ages to remain healthy. This table shows approximately how many servings of nonfat, lean foods are needed for three different calorie levels (1,600, 2,200, and 2,800 calories). HOW MANY SERVINGS DO YOU NEED EACH DAY? CHILDREN, WOMEN, OLDER ADULTS TEEN GIRLS, ACTIVE WOMEN, MOST MEN TEEN BOYS, ACTIVE MEN CALORIE LEVEL ABOUT 1,600 ABOUT 2,200 ABOUT 2,800 Milk & Milk Products Group 2 to 4 2 to 4 2 to 4 Meat & Meat Alternatives Group 2 2 3 Vegetable Group 3 4 5 Fruit Group 2 3 4 Bread & Cereal Group 6 9 11 Total Fat (grams) 36 to 53 49 to 73 62 to 93 Table 1 Over the past 40 years, fast food has appeared everywhere, from stores and airports to athletic events and schools.

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