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Ariba Technologies

             For many companies annual operating resource requirements such as office supplies, computer supplies run into millions of dollars, and for a few they run into billions. Until a few years ago the cost connected with purchasing, handling and storing such goods often outstripped their value. In many organizations the paper work involved in making small dollar purchases created cost nightmares for those processing transactions. Thus the idea of consolidating the purchase of such items on single platform defined a new paradigm of business web, -the new platform for business collaboration in 21st century.
             On June 23, 1999 barely after 3 years from its inception " Ariba, Inc. ("Ariba- or the "Company-; NASDAQ: ARBA) announced an initial public offering of 5,000,000 shares of common stock. The initial public offering price is $23 per share.
             Corporate Mission.
             "To create the leading Internet-based business-to-business electronic commerce network platform-. The first global e-commerce infrastructure that connects buyers and suppliers through out the world-allowing, companies to buy and sell any kind of goods and services through a - to - z over the Internet.
             Ariba's Strategic business objectives to be successful in the competitive hi-tech industry:.
             4 Create a new model for enabling commerce communities on the Internet.
             4 Strengthen Ariba's offerings to Global 10,000 companies. .
             4 Broaden Ariba's reach into small and mid-size business markets. .
             4 Extend Ariba's channel strategy. .
             4 Expand the buying power of the Ariba Network platform. .
             4 Grow the supplier content of the Ariba Network platform. .
             4 Further extend the ability of Ariba solutions to not only save money for its customers, but also drive new revenue streams-.
             Ariba's business strategy to achieve these goals is to take advantage of the buying power of a large multinational customer base to attract leading operating resource suppliers to the Ariba's network solutions.

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