Sift-Mail .
An system for filtering electronic mail.
A unix package designed for performance evaluation of vector space information retrieval techniques. The capability to filter USENET News is included in the standard distribution. .
MAXIMS is a collaborative electronic mail filtering system.
Procmail .
A unix package designed to automatically filter electronic mail. .
Maildrop .
A unix based mail delivery agent with filtering ability. Maildrop is intended as a replacement for Procmail. Maildrop can optionally read instructions from a file on how to filter incoming mail, and, based upon the instructions, deliver mail to alternate mailboxes, or forward it to somewhere else, like procmail. Unlike procmail, maildrop uses a structured filtering language that's a bit easier on the eyes. .
Mailfilt .
A perl script to filter electronic mail.
Mailagent .
A rule-based electronic mail filtering system.
WebWatcher .
WebWatcher is a World Wide Web filtering system which learns the user's preferences and highlights interesting links on web pages that you visit. .
WebFilter .
A system which filters the content of World Wide Web pages in real time.
FilterGus .
A simple Java Program that filters up textual documents.
WebWasher .
A Window based program that filters ad. images on the Web. The program is free for personal, non-commercial home use or educational institutions. .
ScienceIndex .
A demo version of citation index available on the web, which aims to be a digital library for scientific literature in electronic form. Features include autonomous citation indexing, autonomous document location, citation context extraction, full-text indexing, awareness and tracking, related document retrieval, similar document identification, citation graph analysis, and query-sensitive document. .
Select .
A EU funded project that aims to develop a collaborative filtering system, which can help scientific, technical and other professional Internet users find information.