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             A web browser is not a robot because they are mostly operated by a human and does not automatically retrieve reference document. Web robots are sometimes referred to as Web Wanderers, Web Crawlers, or Spiders. Point 5 (Push Technology) discusses this further.
             3. Digital Divide:.
             Digital divide is a very big problem in the world, but especially in South Africa. It is Information rich VS information poor. Digital divide is not only caused by the lack of technology but the lack of computer and information literacy. To help the illiterate people push technology and web robots are used.
             4. Web Robots.
             Because the size of the Web increased beyond expectations, it became clear that manual browsing through a big amount of hypertext structures would no longer be possible.
             Web robots are implemented as a single software system that retrieves information form remote sites using standard Web protocols.
             5. Freely Available Filtering Systems.
             SIFT .
             The Stanford Information Filtering Tool includes two selective dissemination services, one for computer science technical reports and one for USENET news articles. The source code is also available.
             Firefly .
             A collaborative filtering service for music and movies. .
             InfoScan .
             A program, which filters email and USENET News and includes document visualization features. .
             InfoTicker .
             A web-watching robot with filtering functionality.
             NewsSieve .
             A USENET News filtering system. .
             iAgent .
             A beta copy of an adaptive web filtering agent.
             WiseWire .
             Empirical Media's filtering service that delivers webpages, newswire articles, and netnews. .
             BORGES .
             A USENET News filtering system using.
             RAMA .
             A Unix based USENET news filtering.
             Browse .
             An X windows neural network based USENET news filtering system.
             NewsClip .
             A unix programming language designed for filtering USENET News that is capable of binary filtering when used with any newsreader. When used with STRN, the Scoring Threaded version of the unix ReadNews (RN) program, ranking articles in order of likely relevance is also possible.

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