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With reference to a nightmare on elm street and scream discu

            With reference to a nightmare on elm street and scream discuss Wes craven's use of generic conventions.
             Wes craven has made many successful horror films although his most famous ones are a Nightmare On Elm Street, which he made a sequel to called Wes Cravens the New Nightmare which is much better than the other sequels but not as good as the original In 1996 he finished scream, which is also a very successful film and like a Nightmare On Elm Street it spurred on sequels although craven directed all the Scream Trilogy he only directed two of the seven, nightmare on elm streets. These films were both very successful in 1984 and 1996 respectively. By analysing the two films I will see if craven uses any similar conventions both for the slasher genre and for a craven film.
             Scream is set in California in a suburban area, the class of people are upper middle class because the houses are large and expensive and their parents are always working or on business. Similarly a Nightmare On Elm Street is also set in a suburban area although unlike scream we do not know whereabouts in America it is set, but the area is very similar to that of scream the houses are large and the parents have good jobs like police chief. Craven uses the suburban area successfully in both films, the area is used to show the contrast between the busy cities, suburban areas are supposed to be safe which is why they are used throughout horror films to contrast this. Using a suburban area is very conventional for a slasher film john carpenters Halloween used the suburban area very successfully, which is probably an influence to Craven to use it for a Nightmare On Elm Street and then scream as it works so well. The suburban area is also conventional for a craven film.
             For all the setting may be similar in both films the camera work used is very different ,the camera in V is used to hide Fr3eddy and he hides away from it and jump cuts are used to shock you ,but in cream the camera actually looks for the killer making no effort at all to hide the killer.

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