The increase of liberalisation, deregulation, privatisation, internationalisation led to an increase of social differences. Globalisation has brought great riches and great suffering, both within and among countries. .
Moreover, developed countries had a lot of time to adjust their economies to imports of agricultural products and textiles while developing countries were pressured to open their boarders immediately to the West after the decolonisation. Two third of the African countries depend on exportation but the problem is that their economy is usually based on one or two raw materials (coffee in Latin America, fruits in Africa.). European and Western countries can export different products because they don't depend on one only, so developing countries' economy is more fragile and in order to get out of this situation they borrow money to do investments. But, this increased the weight of their debt and we can see, for example, in Congo, that the debt is about 4500 Mds FCFA, which represents 200% of the PIB and almost 250% of the exportations. And, the vulnerability of the southern countries gets greater, facing the multinationals. Apart from the very large enterprises and the multinationals indicating a more important control on their part, small and medium-size enterprises are not sufficiently prepared to fight on a world scale. The lack of strong policies from the State and the fact that multinationals are now more powerful than governments of many countries, don't help the developing countries to close the gap economically. .
So the need for strong world organisations that could defend the interests of both sides (developing and developed countries) was required. After the First World War, the IMF had the mission to create an economic stability for a world that suffered of the war but after several years its goal changed and the most powerful economies had the most influence.