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Plato argued that there was a permanent justice that existed beyond our senses and that was unseen. He argued that man could only be just while fulfilling their "Telos" in a just city that. Plato created an idealistic city, which he also equates to the individual as if it existed inside a person as well, that had a virtuous "philosopher" King that guided the "polis" to what was just. This was his morality. It existed beyond the senses but could be harnessed by enlightened people that could transmit this to the masses. The Philosopher King was such a vessel and could deduce right from wrong and therefore determine what was moral for the polis. The polis had to have faith in the Philosopher King and we can therefore see that Plato used faith to help guide his philosophy. This has a slight similarity to Rousseau in that the whole knows what is best for the society and as long as the individual did what they did best for the whole or polis than they were just. Plato's faith in the philosopher King could also be argued to be similar to the "social contract" theories of Hobbes and Rousseau. You have faith in the philosopher King and they in turn do what is best for the Polis and you. This creates a symbiotic relationship in society where certain freedoms are restricted and education is used to form the peoples of the polis; Plato believes that man has a malleable nature. Rousseau also saw the benefit of education for utility purposes and using it to further and enhance society under the "general will." Where Plato differs from many later philosophers is that he felt one must live in moderation in order to be just and remain to be just. This thought of giving up some of our passions goes against most of Liberalism and the Modern and Post-Modern eras of philosophy. The later tried to protect passions and used passion to show a driving force for action in conjunction with reason.

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