Mike Nichols "The Graduate" is one of our nation's greatest films it has withstood the test of time and its popularity has spanned many generations. "The Graduate" is not your classic love story it has a twist which has added to its intrigue and popularity. In "The Graduate" a young budding star actor Dustin Hoffman delivers a stunning performance as the young confused graduate Benjamin Braddock, this performance catapulted Hoffman to the superstar we know him as today.
The Graduate begins with young Benjamin Braddock returning from college to a phony, stiff graduation party thrown by his well intentioned parents complete with cheek pinching, oohhing and aaahiing and useless advice. Near the end of the party Mrs. Robinson with some persuading convinces Benjamin to drive her home. Once at Mrs. Robinsons house she pleads with him to stay with her until her husband returns and he reluctantly obliges. While waiting for Mr. Robinson, Mrs. Robinson attempts to seduce the reluctant Benjamin who wants no part of it and is quite paranoid of Mr. Robinson walking in on an awkward situation. Some days later Benjamin whose stumbling through life without much direction or purpose calls up Mrs. Robinson and they meet in a hotel and have sex, sparking off their illicit affair. Their affair continues for quite some time with little suspicions from either family. During one of their outings Mrs. Robinson insists that Benjamin never go out with her daughter Elaine, he inquires why and she gives no reason so he dutifully agrees. Shortly thereafter Elaine returns from Berkeley and following the insistence of Mr. Robinson and Ben Father, Ben takes Elaine out on a date against Mrs. Robinson wishes. Ben and Elaine hit it off and go on a series of date which angers Mrs. Robinson who exposes her affair with Benjamin putting a stop to that relationship for the time being. Elaine leaves for college and Benjamin beside himself and with nothing better to do, follows her there.