What we will discover in the course of this investigation is that what happens to many foreign students during the time that they spend in America is that they quickly learn that they have to change in many ways. When all is said and done, the result of the foreign student's educational experience in the United States is that, during the process, foreign students will discover that they are beginning to think and act like Americans. .
The Four Stages That the International Student Will Go Through.
One of the most surprising things that foreign students in America will discover is that after, say, the first year of life as a foreign student in the US that first trip back home is going to be surprising. The country you go back to will not look exactly like the one you left behind when you first packed your bags in a state of high excitement and headed for the airport. Many things that you simply never noticed about your home country will hit you for the first time. For example, the male student from Arabian Gulf countries who was, at first, shocked to see how many American women walk around with their bodies revealed and even partially nude, will come back home to all the robed figures in his native land and really notice them for the first time. The Italian student who never noticed that in his home country people speak with their hands as much as with their lips will get off the plane and walk into the airport, and wonder why it is that everyone is waving their arms at each other. The surprising thing is that when the foreign student goes home for an extended holiday he or she will experience the same emotional roller coaster effect that they experienced the first time they came to America.
When the foreign student first gets to the United States he or she experiences "euphoria", that is, an extremely happy state. This is because they finally got there and everything is so exciting.