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How To Develope Low Self-Esteem

             To develope a sense of life and achieve throughout ones life you must first capture the true essence on what it takes. You need self confidence you need to set goals and admirations, you are definately not born with this gift it is a state of mind and must be developed by somebody, how do we attain self-esteem, how do we use it in evryday life and how can I build off of low self-esteem? Is self-esteem attainable to all who seek it is it affordable and why do we all need it, and is it hard to attain?.
             There are many causes of low self-esteem it's when you don't believe in yourself is when it starts and it carries on to you like a plague unless you do something about it. When you give up on yourself before you even attempt something because it looks as if you can't do it. Not giving yourself full credit for your actions lacking the confidence in ones accomplishments. Just flat out not believing in ones self physically and mentally. Low self-esteem is caused by many factors such as parents, peers, insecurity, unitellegence.
             (Http://www.sedona.com/benefit_information/causes_low_self_esteem.htm)- Sedona Method.
             Thinking of people being better then you and thinking you of are no value to society. Do you feel that all of your downfalls, mistakes, and feelings of inferiority, and prejudments as we'll as negative subliminal messages with low values and virtues conquered your life and there is no way to conteract this, we'll there is a way if you will a way. (Http://www.self-esteem.bravepages.com/).
             Most of all young school tragedies of all kinds when dealing with children could be prevented with the right steps of coaching and parenting if you catch all of the warning signs it should be able to be prevented. Stop pointing the finger and take responsibility for yourself and your kids though peer groups and other outside entities do in fact influence but the majority of counters of low self-esteem actions should be taken by the parents and teachers.

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