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How To Develope Low Self-Esteem

(Http://www.apa.org/monitor/dec01/families.html?CFID=2574610&CFTOKEN=30454817). Children can start these troubling signs with depression, anxiety, and then they start lacking in the self wellness department. These children stop believing in themselves and start believing in luck during success not earned credibility, and when they do not get it done it's because they lack the ability to do so.(Http://www.apa.org/monitor/may03/depressed.html?CFID=2574610&CFTOKEN=30454.) Geneticall there is no gene for violence or low self-esteem. Violence in children and low self-esteem are learned behavior. Children with low self-esteem can lead to violent behaviors due to lack of no positive role models, exposed to more negative items over positive. Lack of a developed self-esteem, no belief in oneself, no social skills,Bad peer relationships, Bad family bonds, Not believing in ones self, and no control over ones life in general. These are the imidiate call signs for trouble in our children they have to be taught at a young developmental stage.(Http://www.apa.org/pi/pii/isyouthviolence.html?CFID=2574610&CFTOKEN=30454817) These problems of low self-esteem also include adults as we'll especially in the workplace. Workers lose control due to high levels of stress, due to lack of control over there job and thereselves.When a challenege is presented and they are error prone low self-esteem collieges fall apart under the natural presures of the workplace.(Http://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug01/jobsick.html?CFID=2574610&CFTOKEN=304548.).
             You can start breaking down self-estemm by intellegence, and it is best defined by measuring a variety of cognitive abilities. There are many kinds of intellegence such as creative and practical as we'll, as we'll as problem solving as we'll as many other factors. The intellegence we cary we'll depicts the strength of self-esteem we cary within us.(Module13 Intellegence). Motivation is also a key in the successfulness of self-esteem.

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