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Medicine in the Ancient World

These documents prove that the Egyptians had a significant understanding of medical practices and show "records of over eight hundred medical procedures and remedies making use of over six hundred drugs and a vast array of surgical tools" (http://www.schoolshistory.org.uk/ancientegyptianmedicine.htm). The first papyrus, "Kahun Gynecology Papyrus" describes many different methods of diagnosing pregnancy, diseases of women, as well as feminine drugs, pastes and vaginal applications. The two other famous and elaborate papyri focus more on surgical cases and internal medical treatments. The "Edwin Smith Papyrus" was dated around 1600 BC and is five meters long. In the records it discusses over 48 surgical cases of wounds of the head, neck, shoulders, breast and chest. It listed the manifestations, followed by prescriptions for every individual case. One of the chapters in the Edwin Smith Papyrus included information about blood circulation and its relationship to the heart as well as the importance of the pulse. There was also mention of suturing of .
             non-infected wounds with a needle and thread. The "Ebers Papyrus" is a much larger roll that is twenty meters long and thirty centimeters wide. This papyri is chiefly an internal medicine guide with refrences to diseases of the eye, skin, and some surgical diseases. .
             While the Egyptians did not perform major surgery as conducted today they did make major developments in surgical knowledge and practice. They had some knowledge of treating dislocated bones, and removing cists and tumors. Some of the tools used for surgery consisted of knives, drills, saws, forceps, hooks, bags tied with string, scales, shears and graduated cubit or papyrus. For external wounds raw meat, honey, and moldy bread was used to prevent bleeding and to stimulate the secretion of white blood cells, the natural defense mechanism of the body. Some of the treatments used commonly by Imhotep and other doctors include the use of plants and herbs.

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