She enjoyed her constant drunkenness. Charlie's life was very messed up, because he never had any had any stability in his life he moved from one "dingy rooming house to another."" There is also a story that goes around Manson's family that he describes in Manson in his Own Words: "Mom was in the café one afternoon with me on her lap. The waitress, a would-be mother without a child of her own, jokingly told my Mom she'd buy me from her. Mom replied, a pitcher of beer and he's yours. The waitress set up the beer; Mom stuck around long enough to finish it off and left the place without me. Several days later my uncle had to search town for the waitress and take me home."" .
Charlie lived his childhood as a thief he was always stealing something. When he was nine years old he was caught stealing and he was then sent to a reform school. Again when he was twelve he was caught stealing again and sent to another reform school called the Gibault School for Boys in Terre Haute, Indiana. In 1947, Manson ran away to his mother, but she did not want him anymore and he lived through stealing and burglary until he was caught and the court arranged for him to be sent to Father Flanigan's Boys town. Soon after going there he committed armed robbery with another boy and that got him in the Indiana School for Boys for three years. His teacher's there described Charlie and having trust in nobody and he only did good work for those who he figured he could get something get something from. Not long after, Charlie escaped with some other boys and headed to California living entirely by burglary and auto theft. When they got to Utah, they were caught, and Manson was sent to his final school in Washington, D.C. While he was there, he was given various tests which showed that he had an IQ of 109, that he was illiterate and that his aptitude for everything except for music was only average. That same year he was examined by psychiatrist, Dr.