Block who said, "He had a marked degree of rejection, instability and psychic trauma. His illegitimacy, small physical size and lack of parental love caused him to constantly strive for status with the other boys. This could add up to a fairly slick institutionalized youth, but one is let with the feeling that behind all this lies an extremely sensitive boy who has not yet given up in terms of securing some kind of love and affection from the world."" .
After this, until the age of nineteen, Manson was sent to many different institutes and had developed academically a little bit. Manson got married now, to a waitress and had a son, Charles Manson Jr. Manson worked at low paying jobs and got income by stealing cars. He was caught when he went to Los Angeles in one of them and was sent to prison. His wife divorced him after he spent three years in jail and after Manson was released he took up a new occupation "pimping. After this Manson was again caught and sent to jail for many different violations, too many to name until the age of 32 when he was released from prison and given transportation to San Francisco. Charlie protested his freedom and was quoted saying, "Oh, no, I can't go outside there I knew that I couldn't adjust to that world, not after all my life had been spent locked up and where my mind was free. I was content to stay in the penitentiary, just to take my walks around the yard in the sunshine to play my guitar - The prison officials ignored Manson's protests and unleashed him on to the world again, what was later to be seen as a fatal and damaging move for some.
Manson was poorly prepared for life on the outside, but he was able to blend in to the hippie scene of San Francisco with his guitar. Charlie was never really impressed by the hippie culture, except that was what he needed to follow to blend in and he was able to learn about drugs and how he could use them to influence people.