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Leadership Styles

             The Behaviours Model of Leadership (The Ohio State Model): A second model argues that leadership isn't a trait (who we are) but a series of behaviours (what we do). This seems more reasonable to me, since it does not imply preordination, as is the case in the Great Person Theory. Leaders exhibit behaviours in two important areas:.
             1) Style: Style refers to the way in which the leader interacts with his or her subordinates. Greenberg et al. note that there are two dimensions to leader style: the manner in which the leader sets working assignments (autocratic-democratic dimension) and the manner in which the leader supervises (directive-permissive dimension). .
             The autocratic-democratic dimension defines the degree to which the supervisor allows the subordinate to participate in decisions regarding work assignments. Supervisors who arbitrarily set work assignments and rules are autocratic. Those who allow subordinates to participate in the decision making process are considered to be democratic.
             The directive-permissive dimension defines the closeness with which leaders supervise subordinates. Supervisors who closely supervise all activities of their subordinates are labelled directive. Those who allow subordinates great latitude are considered permissive.
             It is interesting to note that the two dimensions aren't linked. A leader could have an autocratic method of setting work assignments, but a permissive manner of supervision. (This is typically how a university is managed. Professors have little say in their teaching assignments, but great latitude in how they teach.) .
             2) Orientation: Orientation refers to the leader's concern for production and people. Again, these are two separate dimensions that operate independently of one another. Concern for production, known as initiating structure refers to the extent to which a leader is concerned for utilizing resources effectively to achieve a task goal.

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