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The Importance of Medicine

Hahnemann stipulated three miasms in his theory. These miasms included sycotic, psoric and syphilitic. The theory of miasma explains that the three factors can cause diseases. Syphilis and Sycosis caused sexually transmitted diseases. On the other hand, psoric was associated with non-venereal diseases.
             There are various degenerative diseases associated with cancer (Ames, Shigenaga & Hagen, 1993, p. 7915). Such degenerative diseases involve such as cardiovascular diseases, brain dysfunction, and cancer. In his explanation, Hahnemann stipulated that chronic miasms cause these diseases. The miasms interfered with the normal body healing process from acute infections and hence causing a recurrence of the diseases later. This paper seeks to explore applicability and importance of the theory of miasmatic as proposed by Hahnemann in the treatment of chronic degenerative diseases.
             Importance of Miasmatic Theory .
             The miasmatic theory is indispensable in the treatment of chronic diseases in homeopathy. In ascertaining the essence of miasmatic theory, it is essential to understand it. As earlier stated, the concept of miasm was categorized into threefold. These included the psora, syphilis, and sycosis. According to Hahnemann, the above causatives were elementary for every disease. In his theory, Hahnemann stipulates that the infection may result from infection by a pathogenic agent with spiritual, physical and non-physical components. The infection then penetrates the human being over the time causing manifestation later (Holtkamp, 2012, p. 1). The essence of miasmatic theory in the treatment of chronic diseases in both scientific and homeopathy can be embraced through the study of epigenetic among other factors.
             Epigenetic and the Miasm Theory .
             In appreciating the role of miasm, theory in the treatment of degenerative diseases requires establishing an interrelationship of the theory and the diseases.

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