This paper considers the concept of miasm, epigenetic and the role of epigenetic in degenerative diseases. .
The Miasmatic Theory.
The concept of miasm is as earlier highlighted. It comprises three elements that are perceived to be causatives of diseases. The concept of miasm is as earlier discussed in the introduction part. The theory is based on infection with a contagion that then penetrates the interior of a person. After penetration of the interior, there is manifestation of the contagion as a disease. The contagion results from the interaction with the environment. In his stipulation of the theory, Hahnemann postulated for psora as being the primary cause of all the chronic diseases.
Epigenetic Concept.
Various controversies have been associated with the theory of miasma previously. The advent of epigenetic has offered more validation of Hahnemann's theory of miasma (Tao). Epigenetic concerns with studying external aspects that influence gene expression or their activation and deactivation. Tao argues that epigenetic are capable of occurring in a single person or being inherited. Exposure to the immediate environment has been shown to influence gene expression in human kind (Degroote, 2012, p. 76). Moreover, Detels, Gulliford, Abdool, and Tan (2015, p. 824) also states that environment may cause manifestation of genetic diseases. In his argument, Degroote argues that several factors are capable of affecting gene expression. These factors are such as nutrition, infections, aging, and drugs.
According to Landgrave-Gómez, Mercado-Gómez and Guevara-Guzmán (2015, p. 2), epigenetics relates to gene expression in the form of modification of histone proteins or DNA. Histone modification results in the activation or suppression of transcription of the gene. The modifications may take the form of methylation and acetylation of DNA or the histones. Epigenetic have been associated with the chronic degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases (Landgrave-Gómez, Mercado-Gómez and Guevara-Guzmán, 2015, p.