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Enterprises and Corporate Social Responsibilities

Unfortunately this standpoint have missed that business cannot be separate from society and in contrast in order for a community to prosper it needs business and vice versa. Barbara Hayes, Ecumenical Council for Corporate Social Responsibility once said, "Business cannot look at social issues as if they were separate from core business activities and practices. The community is the basis of all economic activity: with no community there is no company." When a company assumes this reality, social obligations are not seen as a cost and on the contrary, CSR can improve its profits and reduce a big amount of costs. .
             So, before I profound on the topic of this essay it is important to mention some of the roots and background of CSR. Its origins take us to the end of the 19th century when labor movement started to demand because of high social abuses. Later on, there were several issues which brought CSR into public debate. To mention some of these are the Nestlé´s breast-milk marketing which was used in the 1970´s; the oil spill off the coast of Alaska caused by Exxon Valdez in the end of the 1980´s; the effects of the Thatcher government´s economic policy which caused a rise on the unemployment rate and Nike´s subcontractors working conditions in Third World countries in the 1990´s. As a consequence of these events among others, the world directed the focus on companies and started to demand responsibility among human rights, working conditions and the environment. As a result, enterprises took concern about these matters and started to embrace a new way of thinking; an idea that revolutionized capitalism and brought society and business back together. 4.
             It was in the year 2000 when companies all around the world started to embrace a social responsibility idea and the use of CSR was noticeably increased. This increment reached to a point where today CSR is view as a global business norm.

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