There were three styles: Autocratic leaders, Democratic leaders and "laissez-faire leaders. Although, there was progress being made, leadership continued to be viewed as a natural "fit" for men.
In 1972. women held 18 percent of administrative position and by 2002 the positions almost tripled. Women have always had the capacity and desire for leadership but society and politics postponed the opportunity until now. Recent studies show the traditional gender gaps in competitiveness have decreased and women are being favored. In another era leadership consisted in the ability, behaviors, style and charisma. In the twenty first century, leadership has taken on a new meaning, which includes teamwork. Therefore, the essence of leadership is not only the responsibility of the leader, but the relationship between the leader and the team. Are women still viewed differently than men? .
Women today have more presence and are more professional. In the United States alone, there are governors, senators, CEOs of corporations and vice presidents of companies that are females. As times change leaders are expected to evolve and adapt. With change comes growth, the restrictions have been dramatically reduced, giving women the opportunity to enter into other leadership roles. Organizations are capturing elements of progress and change in society. Through time, leaders will come and go. Those who are well prepared and able to take on challenges during times of crisis usually are praised and remembered no matter the gender.
Thirty women leaders of all ages and specialties were interviewed with the objective of discovering the different ways their use of language shapes them as leaders and others. Women's words, voice, occasions, examples and relationships are being analyzed. Women leadership has been one of those oxy-morons; a phenomenon forced underground, working beneath the level of accessible language such as: kings, chairman and presidents, usually male gender.