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Pregnancy, Abortion and the Right to Life

And, thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" (Ronald Reagan). Since there is no exact evidence on if a fetus is not alive, the fetus should being given the right to life until proven wrong. But as of today, scientist are solving this problem. There hasn't been a solid conclusion but most scientist that are researching this topic have agreed that the fetus' life starts at conception. "Living beings come into existence all at once and gradually unfold their world of innate potential. A living human person begins to exist at the moment of conception, even though only as a cell" (Mull). Therefore, the fetus should be given the right to life. When the unborn child is inside his or her mothers' womb, he or she being to develop human characteristics over time. "The unborn baby's heart starts beating at 20 days and the brain gives off brainwaves at 40 days" (Mull). By the time a woman realizes that she missed her period, the fetus' heart will have already started to beat. Knowing that the child has a heartbeat and is a live, women should be penalized for getting an abortion because she is basically killing a living being, which is against the law. Every human on this Earth is given the right to life; since the life of the fetus begins at conception, they need to have the same equal rights as everyone else. "Before I was born, the LORD chose me and appointed me to be his servant" (Isaiah 49:1). Before anyone knows anything on the baby, God does. He has a plan for each child before they are even born. With that being said, a woman is going against God's word by getting an abortion to prevent the child from having the life that God chose for him or her. Another key point is the pro-life view believes the human race existence starts toward origination - the minute the female ovum is treated. Eventually combining with the male sperm to structure a zygote, alternately single-celled living being.

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