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Decision Making and Borderline Personality Disorder

The nine components are; i) avoidance of real or imaginary abandonment, ii) altering extremes of idealization and devaluation, iii) identity disturbance, iv) impulsivity in at least two areas that are self-damaging, v) recurrent suicidal behaviors, vi) affective instability, vii) chronic feeling of emptiness, viii) intense or inappropriate anger and difficulty controlling it, xi) paranoid ideational, or dissociative symptoms. BPD patients tend to show problems in relation where regulation maintaining friendship and social norms are affected. Implementation of social norms and the punishments of those who don't conform are crucial elements of society. In the last decade experimental methods have been developed to allow researchers to quantify complex social behaviors related to trust, competition and punishment. Social emotions such as trust or fear of punishment can e put into mathematical function to model the understanding of social behavior. Three games were invented to be conducted for research purposes on trust, coordination and punishment; the games were designed for social, unsocial and a control. BPD patient and healthy control that were playing were randomly assigned to each round. The outcome of the experiment wasn't significantly different from the control but the patient was found to be significantly more inconsistent in social decision-making. Inconsistent social decisions were associated with the experience of law social support particularly in the area of trust and punishments. Methodology encourages researchers to use social games as a diagnostic tool to improve personalization of psychotherapy and socio-therapeutic therapies. .
             Borderline Personality Disorder is a chronic illness characterized by behavioral disinhibitions, which include impulsive, aggressive, and affective liabilities. Some of the core traits of BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) are impulsive aggressions and affective dysregulation or instability in moods.

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