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Child Development and Parenting Advice

96). After the child is born and entering infancy, they begin to move around more to which parents should have realistic expectations of what their child can accomplish involving the child's motor development and that it will take time for the child to perfect it. Gross motor development is different than fine motor development; gross motor skills incorporate crawling, standing, and walking whereas fine motor skills incorporate reaching and grasping (Berk, 2013, p. 147). There are individual differences in the rate and sequence at which babies achieve motor skills (Lyons, 2013, powerpoint) for example: babies who are late at reaching for objects will not necessarily be late at walking or crawling (Berk, 2013, p. 147). When an infant acquires a new skill they need to refine it and figure out how incorporate it with other skills to reach a goal such as going towards a toy by alternately pulling with arms and pushing with feet (Berk, 2013, p. 148-149). As the infant's motor system matures, babies have to grow stronger and have more motivation which is influenced by their environment (Lyons, 2013). In the environment, objects and people enable responses from the infants, creating motivation for the infant to refine their motor skills (Lyons, 2013).
             Besides helping motivate motor skills, who is in the babies' environment also helps with communication skills, parents should communicate with their infants using different tones of voice and sentence structures as well as using eye contact starting from birth. Newborns commence interaction through eye contact and then end it by looking away, by 3 to 4 months infants start to gaze in the same general direction adults are looking in which becomes more accurate by 10 to 11 months (Berk, 2013, p. 370). By this time, babies become more sensitive to adults' precise direction of gaze which suggests that babies realize that others' focus gives information about their intentions or goals (Berk, 2013, p.

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