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Child Development and Parenting Advice

96). .
             Illegal drugs pertain to the use of highly addictive and mood-altering drugs such as cocaine and heroin, but also marijuana (Berk, 2013, p. 97). Babies who are born to users of cocaine, heroin, or meth are at risk for a variety of problems which includes prematurity, low birth weight, physical defects, breathing difficulties, and death at or around the time of birth (Berk, 2013, p. 97). These infants are also born drug-addicted causing them to be feverish, irritable, have trouble sleeping, have abnormally shrill cries, are less attentive to the environment, and their motor development is slow (Berk, 2013, p. 97). Marijuana exposure impacts the baby to have a smaller head size, to have attention, memory, and academic achievement difficulties, impulsive activity, depression, plus anger and aggression in childhood and adolescence (Berk, 2013, p. 97).
             Not using any form of tobacco during pregnancy is usually common knowledge for people, but most people still do not know the actual effects it has on their unborn child which is: slight behavioral abnormalities, the placenta grows abnormally because of the decreased blood flow to the uterus, and reduced transfers of nutrients causing the fetus to gain weight poorly (Berk, 2013, p. 98). The use of alcohol during pregnancy is another common problem which results in fetal alcohol syndrome (slow physical growth, distinct pattern of three facial abnormalities, and brain injury), partial fetal alcohol syndrome (two of three facial abnormalities and brain injury), and alcohol-related neuro-developmental disorder (at least three areas of mental functioning impaired, but no physical growth or facial abnormalities) (Berk, 2013, p.98-99). .
             During the embryonic period (2-8 weeks) is when it is more likely that teratogens will cause the most serious defects and the effects can go beyond physical damage. Some health problems are delayed and may not show up for decades and then there are also psychological consequences such as others' reactions to the child and the child's ability to explore the environment (Berk, 2013, p.

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