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Attractiveness and Self-Esteem

             If one will look into the history perhaps they will find that beauty was always something that people were leaning towards too. Artist in their time always tried to capture and to translate beauty of that specific era into the future generations. "An artist's perception of what is 'beautiful' is determined by many factors, not least of which are the requirements of his patron. Basic aspects of the brain's visual capacity have been shown to be innate, such as a newborn baby's ability to recognize the structure of a face, but most are learned during the visual stimulation received during early development" (Haughton 230). History of culture were not as globalized in the early age as they are now and it was creating a specific culture and definition of what truly is beautiful at the specific culture.
             Throughout time different counties and cultures developed their recognition of good looks, elegance and charm. As Aneela Sltana stated in 'Gender Excavations: Understanding Woman's Beauty in Space and time' article that "Visual representation of women is a subjective matter which depends on individual perception. However, perceptions are formed by a complex set of cultural rules which sway people to distinguish what is striking to them and what is not, more precisely, what actually makes an ideal woman" (Sultana 55). Therefore because culture varies from country to county and even within the cities, the big role in identifying beauty is played by how society views and teaches their members on how and why people should consider one person as more attractive than the other. These measures could also be influenced by factors such as culture person lives in and one's past experience. Because of this it could look like it might be impossible to talk about global beauty, but somehow all those beauty industries have been and still are attracting women to become more feminine and go to the critical changes in their body just to be recognized by others and to reassure themselves in their feminism and beautifulness.

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