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Poetry of Victorian Era Poets

As I have read, Tennyson's notions of time are initially dependent upon the strict division between human time and time existing in nature, the first is linear, the second one is cyclical. This concept is exposed in the first half of the poem.
             In the stanza of the preface it is shown the important effect that time have on human being, that is to say, the death "They have their day and cease to be"; every man has his system or his time, which is divided by days, then being a linear time, there is an end. In section 13 another notion is presented; to Tennyson, time is something that oscillates along a past-present-past-present continuum, we can experience the immanence of the past, then the past resurfaces in the present, patterning natural or human cyclical phenomena, moreover the past links to the present in which dreams and illusions intertwine with reality.
             As we can see in section 13 the poet is confused by this intertwining of dream and reality and I think that for the poet the appropriate solution is death, in order to remove this grief.  What is more, in section 95 lines 42-43 time and death appear as cause and effect; however, this relation is only true for human time. In section 2 it is shown the difference between human time and natural time in lines 5 and 7 to 8 and in section 22 lines 5-12:.
             And glad at heart from May to May:In section 2 another concept is expressed, the poet immersion in nature. The poet compares himself to the yews and so to the death, I think because these animals live underground, and as human being they born and die; moreover he envies "the sullen tree" and "for thy stubborn hardihood" because the tree does not die and in my opinion he imagines to free himself from hishuman nature, represented by the blood, and therefore incorporating himself into nature.

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