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Poetry of Victorian Era Poets

             Through the analysis of some sections of this poem, it can be taken into account the relations to the romantic vision of nature and religion in Wordsworth's poem. First of all, it is necessary to introduce the Victorian four elements in the total situation of a work of art: the artistic product itself, the universe representing nature, the audience and the artist. Many nineteenth-century critics affirm that the romantic poetry tended towards egotism and excessive subjectivity, instead the.
             Victorian project found literary and artistic means of bridging a series of what they considered to be binary oppositions such as: self and society, personal and political, subject and objective; it is what Tennyson did in his poem, that is to say finding public uses for very private experiences without becoming egotistical, combining the romantic subjectivity with publicly accessibility and social relevance.
             In the first four lines of the preface, there are three characters: the Son of God, Love and human being. The poet refers to God like full of immortal love and "we", human being, have faith, although we have not proofs of the existence of God. But in the following lines, the poet contradicts what he had said before in the first stanza, "we have but faith" and he writes that it is just for knowledge and trust that we believe in things we see "it comes from thee", moreover in line 22 when man has no fear, "we mock thee". Surely, the theme of the poem, Arthur Henry Hallam's death provided him the excuse to question his faith in God and as well as in the rest of the poem, to question his faith in nature and poetry.
             Although it is defined a poetry of fragments, there is throughout the poem a theme linearity, due to the cycle technique used by Tennyson in order to illustrate certain fundamental laws behind human time and natural time, nevertheless it is a non-linearity structure that prevails in the poem, reflecting the author's concept of non-linearity time.

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