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HR Management and Google, Inc.

Google feels there is an obligation to do what's best for the company and Google users. Employees are instructed to avoid conflicts of interest and circumstances that present the appearance of a conflict (investor.google.com). When faced with a situation that may be a conflict of interest, employees are encouraged to ask themselves questions like "Would this activity harm my reputation, negatively impact my ability to do my job at Google, or potentially harm Google?', "Would this activity embarrass Google or me if it showed up on the front page of a newspaper or blog?","Would this activity create an incentive for me, or be perceived by others to create and incentive for me, to benefit myself, my friends or family, or an associated business at the expense of Google?". The Code of Conduct also proves guidance on several areas where conflicts of interest often arise.
             The fourth section is, Preserve Confidentiality. Confidential information could include financial information, product information and user information. Employees are warned against disclosing confidential information and advised of potential repercussions of doing so. Protect Google's Assets is the fifth section. This section is also pretty self-explanatory. Don't divulge any information in regards to Google's intellectual property, company equipment, the Google network, physical security, and employee data. Google has a well-earned reputation for generosity in regards to employee benefits an openness with confidential information shared within the company (investor.google.com). The ability to continue these practices is fairly dependent on how well the company conserves resources and protects company assets and information (investor.google.com).
             Ensure financial integrity and responsibility is the sixth section of the Google Code of Conduct. This section discusses signing contract, spending Google's money, recording transactions, reporting financial or account irregularities, hiring suppliers, and retaining records.

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