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Overpaying Athletes

            Tim: Professional athletes are people who play and dominate sports for living. These pros earn on average 49,000 dollars a year, but the best professional athletes earn millions of dollars per year. The reason these professional athletes get paid a significant amount of money is because sport are the one monopoly in the world. Sports are always bringing in massive amounts of revenue. The Athletes that excel in sports such as Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, or Peyton Manning are the reason why these superstars get paid so much. Superstars are a high market value. Fans love buying these athletes products as well as going to games to watch them. This is a reason why these athletes get paid more. They help bring in more revenue through fans, while also being a huge factor to the team for producing wins. .
             Nick: It is no question that professional athletes are some of the most hard-working and respected people in the world. The work they put in, the time commitments, and physical strain and stress they go through is immeasurable. However, the world of sports in the United States are far from reasonable when it comes to paying their athletes as you stated. The pros get paid millions of dollars to play a sport that many people would play for fun. According to Forbes, these athletes make far more than you stated. The average NFL player makes 1.9 million dollars, not including endorsements and other possible factors that could add to their riches. The average NBA player makes on average upwards of 5.15 million dollars a year, and the average MLB player makes 3.2 million. These numbers do include bench players. Sure, these athletes worked hard and are one of a kind to be able to reach the Professional arena, but does their job of entertainment really justify their riches? .
             Tim: I understand that you think athletes are paid too much but, they do deserve the high pay is because they put so much time into their sport.

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