The experience I had with God's love was answer to all of my prayers. I had prayed for years and years for Jesus to come into my life and for him to manifest his presence and power, because I knew he was with me and I believed in my God, but I wanted to experiment God in a tangible way a way that I could see and feel he was very much alive, Jesus touched my heart a few years ago and since that moment on my life has not been the same and it cannot be the same. I also believe and know that my God is looking to fill every single person in this planet with his love and presence, everything he offers he offers to every single human being on this planet. God wants us to be saved and go to heaven, and that includes absolutely everybody not taking into consideration their sins and past life, all he looks for is repentance and he takes care of the rest. God have up his only son, Jesus Christ, in order to save us from our sins, think that giving up your son for such an unworthy human race is self-explanatory and its significance is evident. I have absolutely a ton more to say about my testimony and experiences from God but this portrays my love and what he means to me in a nutshell.
Regarding the creation of the universe, I believe 100% in my God and I don't try to invent or explain what is illogical or just simply unexplainable by human means. I believe my God has the power to simply create a universe by saying the word, just as the bible says. I believe that God created the universe and that he is almighty in his power. God did the impossible because he is to big and immense for us to comprehend, there is no way to believe in God and want to explain everything with logical terms, God asks that we have faith in him and that he will honor and recompense it. I don't question my God's creation or his ways, I am not saying that I understand everything but I don't need to understand everything.