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Alopecia Areata and Women

" [P]henomenological analysis is principally concerned with understanding how the everyday, intersubjective world (the life world, or Lebenswelt) is constituted. The aim is to grasp how we come to interpret our own and others' action as meaningful " (Denzin & Lincoln, 2003b, p. 297). The principle of this research is to explore the psychological impact of alopecia and its impact on women. .
             Theoretical Framework .
             Social identity theory (SIT) is a theoretical lens used for utilizing one's perception of self as compared to a larger group. According to SIT model, the individual may categorize and/or identify themselves with a self-selected group and aim towards enhancing themselves within that group. (Tajfel & Turner, 1986). The SIT model frames the research due to the societal expectations of women. Women with alopecia have a desire to self-identify with a group. The desire to self-identify is increased because of the disease and a need to not be different. .
             Definition of Terms .
             For the purpose of this study, alopecia areata is referred to as an autoimmune disease which causes the loss of hair. Alopecia totalis is defined as the loss of hair on the scalp. Lastly, alopecia universalis refers to the loss of hair on the entire body. .
             The sample for this study will be delimited to women with alopecia that attend church with the researcher and are considered a sample of convenience. The study will not present the views and perspectives of all women with alopecia as the women are all from a small geographic are in North Texas.
             Women with other diseases associated with alopecia will not be sought for this study as alopecia is the only topic of study in this research. And finally, women who have not been diagnosed with alopecia will be excluded from this study.
             Summary .
             Individual's diagnosed with alopecia areata make up 2% or the overall population, with over 5 million of those individuals living in the United States.

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