My co-worker started lambasting television, talking like it was the anti-Christ. I couldn"t understand how television could elicit such a negative response. As the conversation went on he openly expressed his opinion in regards to children's television viewing. He was of the opinion that children should be protected from television and the images that most programs convey. His daughter was only allowed to watch two programs: Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. Futuristic visions of his thirteen-year-old daughter sneaking to a friend's house to watch cable television danced through my head.
I asked, " Aren"t you afraid that by sheltering her you"re going to add to the enticement? I mean, we all know that the more you tell kids not to do something, the more they"re going to want to do it.".
He scoffed at the idea. Being the instigator that I am, I then told him that I watch movies like The Matrix (a violence heavy science fiction film) with my son. Upon hearing this, his face turned flush and he suggested that we not continue the conversation. I couldn"t help but laugh at what seemed absurd to me. [How could someone be so impassioned about television?].
That experience forced me to examine my own parenting skills. Was my co-worker right or was I? Which one of us had the better parenting skills in regards to television? "I fully understand that the risk of children learning inappropriate behavior from television increases according to how realistic the presentation is, and how close it is to the children's own life situations" (Stenhouse). Personally, I put a lot of effort into explaining to my son what he was seeing on television. I took the time to explain the "make believe" nature of the movies. I gave him details about actors, characters, and even about the process of making a film. I went as far to show my son a second movie with the same starring actor to help him grasp the concept.