The word vegetarian, however, became associated with being a hippie or a crazy radical, or someone who would prance around naked high on marijuana or some other sort of drug singing the wonders of the earth and all its creatures. Obviously, this is a false and unfair stereotype, as vegetarians can be found in all shapes, sizes, races and creeds.
Today, acceptance of vegetarianism by medical authorities and the general public is at an all time high, Over 15 million North Americans consider themselves vegetarians and are fortunate enough to be surrounded by vegetarian alternatives, restaurants, books, web sites and even support groups. Celebrities such as Drew Barrymore, Danny DeVito, Steve Martin, Robert Parish, Belinda Carlisle, and Michael Jackson have also played an important role in the growing popularity of this alternate life style.
There are many physical disadvantages to eating meat. Each year, more and more studies confirm the fact that eating meat and other animal products can greatly increase your chances of developing conditions such as high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Studies also show that on average vegetarians live longer than meat eaters. "A meat eater not only takes in animal cells and fats, etc. But also the waste products, e.g. chemical food fed to the animals, drugs injected into the animal in the slaughterhouse, and the intoxicants, coloring and tenderizers sprayed on the dead animal by the market suppliers. Pigs carry trichinosis bacteria that cling to the walls of the stomach and intestines, which can be fatal. Beef and Pork are highly acid forming and release toxic poisons and microbes into the blood-stream. Hamburgers are made from cows with the four D's (Dead, Dying, Disabled, or Diseased)". (The Physical Advances of Being Vegetarian) This is why so many children and young adults have died from eating hamburgers. The decision to reduce meat consumption for health reasons is made out of self-interest or concern for the health of one's family.